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Market access in Canada: Current trends

By Innomar Strategies

The landscape of market access in Canada is evolving, especially with new therapies for rare diseases, gene therapies, and specialized oncology treatments. Hear from Beth Koster, Director, Health Economics & Outcomes Research (HEOR) about the latest trends — including how decision-makers are adapting to limited evidence, the growing role for clinicians and patients, innovative funding models – and how Innomar stays ahead of these trends.

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Transcript of 'Market access in Canada: Current trends'


What are the current trends in Canadian market access for medications?

With new and innovative therapies coming to market such as drugs for rare disease, gene therapies or specialized oncology treatments, we're actually seeing an evolution on how these drugs are evaluated and implemented across the healthcare system by decision makers. So, some of the trends we're seeing are that drugs are coming to market with much limited evidence, so phase two trials, open label trials, or there might be no comparators. So, it's really elevated the need for clinician and patient input into the decision-making process to identify the need, the appropriate place in therapy, where there might be no treatment guidelines, who are the appropriate patients, and what's the burden of disease? We're also seeing that these drugs are harder to implement, so it's necessitating a lot of inter-provincial cooperation. And the potential for innovative funding models and new innovative agreements such as outcomes-based agreements. We're also seeing that drugs are going to need to continue to collect evidence, as there might be need for reassessment down the line.

How does Innomar Strategies stay ahead of these trends?

Some of the things that we do to stay on top of these trends are complex landscape assessments, very comprehensive. So, we do extensive stakeholder mapping – key opinion leaders, patient advocacy groups, centers of excellence. We do exhaustive primary and secondary research, so quantitative and qualitative, and we seek payer insights through our extensive network. So, we also utilize our proprietary CADTH* Forecaster™ database, which is a collective of all the health technology assessment decisions over time. So, we are able to probe that for insights and trends, how data aligns with the deliberative frameworks, and identify gaps that can hopefully be addressed before you go to submit your file to the health technology agency. We've really cultivated our network over time, so we're able to get those insights and help create great market access plans that hopefully bring those technologies to the patients that actually need them.

*CADTH is now CDA (Canada’s Drug Agency)



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